Monday, October 7, 2013

DIY Scrabble Frame

 I have a lot of empty walls in this house. I came across this idea on you guessed it.... Pinterest and set out looking for old Scrabble games. I did find a few listed on craigslist but for some reason or another, craigslist failed me this time--which like never happens--I know that craigslist is true..... In the end I purchased the boards off of etsy, 3 for $7.50.

  I had the tiles already from an old picked apart game, so next up was coming up with the words to describe my little guys. This was has the hardest part... not coming up with words but actually having the tiles with the right letters, and I was reminded how bad I am at Scrabble. After we decided on the words and the arrangement of them it was time to place the pictures. I had some frames that I traced with pencil on this one. The second I got more daring and just measured with the ruler for the size I wanted the pictures to be.

  I used a straight edge to guide my razor and started cutting away. After the initial cut I abandoned the straight edge and let the grove in the board guide me. My razor was pretty dull and it took 4-5 cuts to get through the board.

 I hot glued the letters in place, and taped the pictures on the back.